Summer again

Today the summer came back to Paris and I could go out in shorts and no leggings. How lovely is that?
Or actually summer came back yesterday. I really didn’t need the jacket and the shawl I brought with me last night. It’s super!

I met up with Precious(who has a cold, hope I don’t get sick now… it’s enough with a broken finger!) this afternoon and we bought some Starbuck’s and sat in the allée near Blanche. It was so nice to see her and we just sat there for a long time, talking and laughing. A perfect sunday afternoon. 🙂

Now I am home and thought I would do some cleaning… my room is a mess! And also my stomach is screaming for food so I think I should get something to eat before I have to call my dear mother. I’m actually starting to miss her, wish she could come and visit. But it’s gonna be nice to see my sister in 2 ½ weeks!

I had my new jeansshorts bought at Zara, today. The necklace is new also and from H&M. Bag from La Redoute, mochasines from Deichmann and t-shirt from Naf Naf.

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