Some vintage, coffee and french music

Isn’t this a great photo of Emilie? I think so!

Eeh… No comment.

Columbus Café has really great coffee. And yummie muffins. Not that I would know anything about how the pineapple and coconut muffin tastes like. I only bought coffee. Hrm… 😉

Emilie is looking for polkadotskirts.

Det var meningen att jag och Emilie skulle möta Camilla vid St Paul men tyvärr glömde Emilie BÅDA sina mobiler och vi fick inte tag på Camilla eftersom jag inte hade hennes nummer. Vi väntade i 40 minuer nästan men gav sen upp och gick upp i Marais. Vi hann inte mycket eftersom Emilie hade ett Skype-möte bokat men det blev iafl lite strosande bland alla andra som hade fått samma söndagsidé som vi.

Vi kikade på lite vintage, tittade på lite smyckesbutiker och hittade efter en halv mils promenerande till American Apparel. Men där hann vi bara vara en kort stund eftersom klockan blev så mycket. Så vi åkte hem. Men jag ska helt klart spendera någon timme där senare i veckan! 

I am sitting here in my favorite and most comfortable mjukisbyxor and is listening to french music. Must say that I feel pretty good. Could it be because I am moving on tuesday? I would think so. You see? Everything ALWAYS works out for me. I never give up, unless I really want to. 🙂 

We are just relaxing at home for an hour more and after that we are meeting up with Camilla for dinner at an italian restaurant nearby. Sunday night is an eating out night in Paris. Lovely! And this time we will all make sure we have all the cellphones! 😉

Well, maybe I should go ahead and watch the first episode of True Blood? Believe it or not but I still haven’t had the chance på see it! Haha! Yes I think I will do that.

Hope you all are having a great and relaxing sunday!

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