
A perfect little present!

When Anna came home yesterday after work she gave me a bag on my way out with a kimono she had said before that I could borrow. Since the toilet is in the hallway, it’s not so fun to go out in the middle of the night in pyjamas.
She had also put in two products from Vichy. A cleanser and a facial cream for dry skin. Anna works at L’Oreal, wich owns for example Vichy, Lancôme, Kiehl’s, Biotherm, Redken, Maybelline, Cacharel and many others. So she gets samples and is able to buy perfums and other things at a discount.

Anyway. It was just what I needed! An all around cream and a facial wash is exactly what I was looking for right now. And Vichy is a really good brand.
Isn’t that great? They are both such nice and generous people. 🙂

0 reaktioner på ”Vichy”

  1. Får kommentera ovanstående inlägg här istället för det gick visst inte där;
    När jag först såg bilden så trodde jag faktiskt att det var vädret i Paris idag. Hoppas att det inte dröjer allt för länge innan våren är här.

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